email that works.
1. the other day lina came up with a fantastic idea, and i immediately told her i was gonna blog about it, and she immediately demanded i give her credit. so i have to abandon my usual mo of plagiarizing without declaration. there you go.
anyway, she proposed that people's email addresses, instead of ending in three letters that give you no additional information about the person--like .com and .edu, should end in terms that label the users appropriately. namely, .chotch, .diced, and of course, .classy. i mean, if people are gonna have to have their names attached to extra, "domain" names like hotmail, yahoo, and harvard, those suffixes might as well say something about 'em. (incidentally, the letters after the dot in an email address are called the top-level domain.)
wouldnt that be such a help to everyone? ladies, doesnt this make your life a little easier?:
that guy you were talking to last night seemed cute.
yeah, but he gave me his email address, and it was a dot-chotch.
wouldnt it be classier if people's email addresses contained the word classy? how could that not be classy?:
you're gonna like this guy; he's all right. he's a dot-classy. he's one of us.
or, conversely:
what an asshole. just goes to show you; he's a dot-diced.
think about it. could be classy.
btw, find a more standardized, yet well-reasoned, definition of chotch here.
2. speaking of classy, does it get any better than march madness? methinks not. maybe it's a bit chotchy to love the big dance, but i say you dont have a pulse if you cant appreciate it. here are my picks in a pool i entered. yes, im posting them a day after the tourney started, but my lousy first round results (let alone the fact that espn of course locks your picks in after the start) should be enough confirmation that i made these picks before deadline.
(final four: texas vs. pitt and uconn vs. bc. like everyone and their mother, i have uconn winning it, 83-72 over texas.)
i do appreciate your image of diced vegetables.
this was so funny. i hadn't seen this before. i want to start coming on the food runs.
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