blue basilica

~ as if truth were a secret in such low solution that only immensity can give us a sensible taste ~

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

get real, fools.

DISCLAIMER: this post contains not one original argument, but it's still worth saying.

a quick note for anyone opposed to gay marriage.

first of all, forget about the fact that the senate's vote on the marriage amendment yesterday
was nothing more than a blatantly-timed election year political ploy (ie, a waste of government time, when there are obv. more pressing, actually important issues to take care of) centered around restricting americans' freedoms (ie, a political ploy whose potential effect is way more than symbolic -- whose result would be a devastating blow to the lives of millions of innocent, harmless citizens, making it all the more callous). i mean, i could go on and on about how unconscionable the senate's behavior is, but i have a more fundamental point to make.

as far as i can tell, beyond the so-BS-and-hypocritical-it-makes-my-hair-stand-up argument that g*d and the bible are opposed to homosexuals, the opponents of gay marriage tell us that we need to protect the "sanctity" of marriage as a union only btwn a man and woman because that is the best environment for children to grow up in.

talk about closing the barn door after the horses have already escaped. and the wrong barn door at that! where were these protectors of sanctity when britney spears drunkenly married jason alexander, then annulled it what, 24 hours later? where were the sanctity protectors when britney got pregnant again, still in a marriage we all know is terrible?

there are thousands of orphans in this country dying to be adopted. there are prolly millions of people who are the miserable offspring of loveless marriages -- btwn men and women. and these gay marriage opponents say they're protecting children. well, gay parents have to jump through more hoops and checks and balances than hetero parents could ever dream of. they have to prove the solidity of their unions, and their love for children, in trials by fire most of us could never perservere through. to me, THEY seem like the one category of couples guaranteed to give children a loving home.

yet these gay marriage opposing nuts would rather a child have no parents than have gay parents. get real, fools. mike chertoff thinks you have misplaced priorities.

anyone who opposes gay marriage will, in time, be looked at similarly to how we look at people who used to think blacks didn't deserve all the rights of whites. it's that simple.

i thought the bible says g*d created us all in His image. what are you telling me -- he mistakenly made gays?



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