blue basilica

~ as if truth were a secret in such low solution that only immensity can give us a sensible taste ~

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i am a dorkus molorkus.

last night i caught lebowski on one of my roughly four billion movie channels, and for the first time, i noticed a glitch in the film.

as the dude and walter walk through the parking lot of the bowling alley, after the latter gentleman has 'flashed his piece out on the lanes,' the pomeranian is scampering by walter's side. but when the pair reach the dude's car and walter begins putting his bags in the backseat, all of a sudden the dog is nowhere to be seen. and neither character acknowledges its absence in any way. just seems like an editing error.

quickly after i realized this i realized that i had apparently become one of those star wars losers who can tell you the exact moment when luke's lightsaber disappears for a nanosecond, or how chewie is left handed in one scene, but in the next one, he's right handed.


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