blue basilica

~ as if truth were a secret in such low solution that only immensity can give us a sensible taste ~

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

the balls of an ex-governor.

of course, i gotta tell my elliot spitzer story.

in the winter of 04, i went to a fundraiser dinner for john kerry at some huge hotel on the west side. i think it was the hilton or something. there were a lot of major democratic officials and a few celebrities there. spitzer was there, and it was around the height of his cowboy attorney general renown. as he was walking into the main room, to his table, i stopped him, presented my hand, and told him, 'i think it's really cool how youve gone after wall street.'

he said, and im prolly paraphrasing, but if so, not by much, 'im the only one who has the balls to do it.' it didnt cound cocky. confident, yes, but not cocky. brave. and he did seem like the man.

now its totes over for him. political career diced to the teat. because - well, you know why.

as my dad summed it up, 'i guess his balls were significant in other venues as well.'


Blogger Nora said...

Starf*cker. I love that about you.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Modestmerlin said...

have you ever thought of being a crooked muckracker? you should go "after" wall street.

12:32 PM  

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